Progress tagged to contacts
Stories are used to record progress. In this example we’ll look at progress relating to individual contacts.
Let’s say that you’re running a 3-month Career Coaching Course for 100 people
Each of the 100 people would be a contact
Each session of the course would be an event
The course would be a project
Your facilitators who run each session would be an event worker
Your facilitators' notes at the end of each session would be a story that tags the contacts who were at that specific event. The author of the story would be one of the event workers and the story would be saved within the course project.
You might want to track progress at 3 levels:
Engagement: Session Attendances - knowing who has attended each session
Mindset: Level of Self Belief - recording your facilitators' perception of each participant’s self-belief
Behaviour: Jobs Applied For - tracking the number of jobs that each participant applies for each week
Each of these 3 things is a Progress Tracker
Session Attendances
Level of Self Belief
Jobs Applied for
You can record progress after each session by creating a story that tags each contact to each Progress Tracker
How you’d record attendance
This is an Attendance Tracker - you have a simple checkbox to record whether each participant attended or not
The number of attendances in that session contributes to the total number of sessions for that individual participant - which you can see on their contact profile
And it also contributes to the total number of attendances for the project as a whole - which you can see on the project’s Impact Scorecard
How you would record their level of self-belief
This is a Scale (Multiple Choice) Tracker
The response for each participant is saved on their Contact Profile
On their contact profile, you can see how their self-belief has varied over time, e.g. week by week
You can analyse the results for the project as a whole either as a snapshot, e.g. looking at results from a particular week…
…or looking at the Distance Travelled, i.e. the improvement over time
In each of the above scenarios, the progress has been tagged to one or more contacts
On Makerble, stories are the way that progress is stored.
As shown above, progress can be tagged to contacts
But it can alternatively include a Manual Headcount