How to use your Progress Board

How to use your Progress Board

You can see results that come from Survey Responses and other KPIs on your Progress Board.

How to get there

This article is written for people using a Makerble Microsite (e.g. a survey portal) with focused navigation that only gives you your most essential apps.

  • You can use the various tools present on the page to better understand your data such as Split By, filter and comparison.

  • You can navigate to this page using the Top Navigation.

You may see a different Top Navigation bar based on the access given to your account.

  • In a Makerble Microsite (e.g. a survey portal), menu names are decided by your organisation. This means that the menu item for Progress Boards might have a different name within your organisation.

  • In this documentation, the progress board page has the custom name “Employee Experience”.


When you are on the Progress Board page, you will see the comparison view of the board by default if that settings has been chosen by your organisation.

Things you can do with Progress Boards

Switch between layouts - Cards, Comparison and Analytics

  1. Change display of Progress Board: There are also other views in which you can see the progress on the progress trackers. You can switch between three views of progress boards using the Display option at the top of the page right below the title of the board.


    The three views for Progress Boards are as follows:

    1. Comparison View: This is the view where you can compare the metric side-by-side using the filters and split by functionality. This is the default view of the progress board.


    2. Cards View: In this view, the trackers are displayed in cards format. Clicking the name of any tracker will open a popup with various charts for that tracker. You can use the filter at the top to filter data for all the trackers.


    3. Analytics View: In this view, you can see various charts related to the tracker. You can switch between trackers and apply filters and split by for better analysis.


      The comparison and analytics view are a little similar in how they look and work. The difference between them is that in Analytics view you can only see the chart once but in Comparison view have two charts of the same tracker which you can manipulate to see different data side by side and compare. For example; you can select a project on the left side and an album on the right side to compare your project data with the album data and see how it fares.

      Analytics view is the best view when you want to see details of a tracker. Cards view is best when you want an overview of everything really quick and Comparison view is best when you want to dive deep and compare data based on different filters and options.
      Moving forward in this documentation, we will be using Comparison View.

Focus on individual progress trackers and survey questions

In Analytics and Comparison View you can see all your progress trackers and survey questions displayed along the top of your progress board.

  1. Change between various progress trackers (questions) on the progress board: All the available progress trackers are present above the charts. You can just select the tracker whose data you want to see.


    1. You can read the full question by hovering over the question.


    2. You can also use the Jump To option present at the very top under the Progress Board title. Clicking it will open a dropdown with all the progress trackers present in it. You can click on the one you want to see.


Go to a different Progress Board

  1. Change Progress Board: If you have access to multiple progress boards, you can use the Switch Progress Board option to quickly switch between different progress boards.
    All the boards you have access to will be displayed in a dropdown when you click the Switch Progress Board option at the top. Select the board you want to see from the dropdown to open that progress board.


Filter the results you see

in Comparison mode

  1. Filter the data in any of the chart using the provided filters

    1. Apply filters to both charts: The filters that applies to both charts are present on the left side of the page. This is used to filter both the chart at the same time.

      1. Go to the Filters section on the left side.

      2. Select the filter option you want to apply.

      3. Click on Apply button at the top.

      4. Data in both the charts will be filter based on the criteria selected.

      5. You can use the Reset button at the top to reset the filters.


    2. Filters for particular chart: It is present above the chart itself. This is used to filter the chart of the respective sides. These filters will only apply to their respective charts and will not affect the other chart.
      Using this, you can compare various trackers of your data by using different filters on the charts and create scenarios which can give you much better insights of your data.
      There is a filter for each chart: Left Side Filter and Right Side Filter respectively for the left chart and right chart.

      1. Click on the filter to open the filter popup.

      2. Select the option for filter.

      3. Click on Apply button at the top.

      4. Only data in that particular column will be filtered.

      5. You can use Left Side Filter to filter the data in the left chart



      6. Or the Right Side Filter to filter the data in the right chart



    3. You can check the filters that are currently applied above the charts

      1. Filters that are applied to both the charts are shown at the top



      2. Filter applied to the left side and right side are shown right above the charts



      3. While looking at the data, always check that the correct filters are applied.

in Cards and Analytics modes

  1. The filters that are available are as follow:

    1. Response Filters:

      1. Organisations: If you are part of multiple organisations, this filter allows you to filter data based on the organisation.

      2. Projects: If you have access to multiple projects, you can switch between them to filter the data based on that project. Keep in mind, this will not change the project, this will filter the data based on the selected project, so if the contacts are part of only one project, you might see empty charts. To see complete data on another project, switch the progress board to that project.

      3. Surveys: If there are multiple surveys in a project, you can use this criteria to filter data based on the surveys. Here also, if users have only filled one survey, the charts may come up empty. To see data of the survey, switch the progress board.

      4. Albums: To see data of an album, select the album in this filter criteria.

      5. Year Happened: You can see data across different years using this filter

    2. Contact Filters:

      1. Contact Fields: These contain questions related to the contacts that you can use to filter the data

      2. Progress and Survey Fields: If you want to see how the contacts who have responded a certain answer on a different survey question, on the current question, you can use this filter.

    3. For contact filters you have two ways you can apply the filter options:

      1. Inclusive: This means that the contacts that have selected any of the selected criteria, all those contacts data will be shown. Works as an OR so if any of the selected criteria matches, the data for that contact will be shown.

      2. Exclusive: This means that a contact data to shown up, they should have all the selected criteria. Works as an AND therefore it will only select contact that matches all the selected criteria.

  • Though the filters remain while switching questions, it is always better to re-apply the filters after you have switched to a different question.

  • Also check that while looking at data of an album, the project filter is not selected to filter the data. If the project filter is applied then the project data will be shown instead of the album data.

  • For filters that require text responses, you can refer to the demographics tab to see what can be used to filter. Example, the answers for this question can be used for the question on the Progress Board to filter:



See your results through different lenses

  1. Split results based on demographic information (i.e. contact data): This is present in the right side of the page. This helps you to split the answers based on characteristics of contacts. The fields you used in your contact form can be used to split the answers in the chart to get a much deeper insights on the progress of the contacts.


    For example; if I have a field called gender in my contact form and want to know how the various genders have responded to the questions in the survey, I will split the chart using the gender field in the Split By tab present on the right side of the page. This will split the options in the chart based on all the genders and tell me which gender has selected which option in the survey.

    1. To use the split by, go to the Split By section on the right side.

    2. Select the criteria you want to base the split on.

    3. Click on Apply at the top to see the results.

    4. You can reset the split using the Reset button at the top.


    5. If you use more than one split, the system will check for all possible combination between the selected options that are present in the responses and display that data.

Display results in different formats

  1. Different Chart Views: You can see the data in various format. The radio buttons on top of each chart can be used to change the format. It includes:

    1. Bar Chart

    2. Pie Chart

    3. Tables


  2. See data in different ways: You can select what chart data you want to see in the chart using the Chart Data option above each chart. This works separately for both the charts. The various data are as follows:

    1. Each contact’s recent answer: Displays the contact’s most recent answer.

    2. All answers marked: Displays data of all the answers marked.

    3. 1st time for each contact: Displays the first response from each contact to the question.


  3. Change Y-axis of the chart: You can see the data in various format by changing the Y axis of the charts. You can switch between percent and number format using this option. It is present above the chart and works separately for each chart. The options available are:

    1. % of question responses: Percent based on the responses present

    2. Number: Display results in numbers

    3. % of project contacts: Percent based on number of contacts in project


  4. Download a Chart: You can download the chart you want in JPEG, PNG, PDF and SVG Vector format.

    1. Go to the chart you want to download and press the burger menu button present.

    2. This will open a dropdown.

    3. Select the format you want to download in and the file will be downloaded.


Using the various tools provided and combination such as filters and split by, you can collect a lot of insights present in your data.

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