Add a Donate button to a Board

Add a Donate button to a Board

You can add a Donate button to a Board so that viewers are taken to the donation page of your choice when they click Donate.


Add the Donate button to an existing board

You must be a Board Admin to add a Donate button to an existing Progress Board

  1. Access the Progress Board you want to add the Donate button to

  2. Press the Edit button (or Edit Managed Board button)

  3. Enter the website address of your Donate page in the Web Address field

  4. Continue to create the Progress Board as usual

  5. Press Save

  6. The Donate button now appears on your Progress Board. To enable other people to see your Progress Board, share it externally and/or embed it in your website

Add the Donate button while creating a new board

  1. Click Create in the top menu

  2. Select Progress Board or Managed Progress Board

  3. Enter the website address of your Donate page in the Web Address field

  4. Continue to create the Progress Board as usual

  5. Press Save

  6. The Donate button now appears on your Progress Board. To enable other people to see your Progress Board, share it externally and/or embed it in your website

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