Edit or rename a project

Edit or rename a project

You can edit or rename a project


From the Project page

  1. Type the name of the project into the top menu Search Bar. (You do not need to press the Enter key)

  2. Select the project

  3. You arrive on the project’s profile page

  4. In the cover section, press the More Options button

  5. A dropdown menu appears

  6. Select Edit & Rename

  7. You arrive on the Edit Project page

  8. Press the Browse button for the Project Cover Image

  9. Select the profile picture you want to use for that project

  10. Scroll to the bottom and press Save

  11. You return to the project profile page which now displays the project’s profile picture in the cover section

From the My Apps menu

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Projects

  3. You arrive on the Manage Projects page in Tiles view

  4. Select Tables view

  5. Scroll down until you see the project you want to add the profile image to

  6. Press the cog button beside the name of the project

  7. A dropdown menu appears

  8. Select Edit & Rename from the menu

  9. You are now on the Edit Project page

  10. Press the Browse button for the Project Cover Image

  11. Select the profile picture you want to use for that project

  12. Scroll to the bottom and press Save

  13. You return to the project profile page which now displays the project’s profile picture in the cover section

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