Log the time spent by event guests

Log the time spent by event guests

You can record the time that a guest (contact) has spent at an event


  1. When Guest Timesheets are enabled for an event, the Time Spent button appears within the Event Actions panel

  2. Select it to launch the Timesheet popup

  3. Once you select the Guests radio button, it will display a list of the Guests at the event who have not already had a Timesheet completed for them for this event

  4. Enter the hours and minutes that each guest spent at the event

  5. You do not need to complete the timesheets for all the guests at the same time

  6. Press Save

  7. This closes the popup and saves the information

  8. If you load the popup again by pressing the Time Spent button, the timesheet fields for the guests you have already entered information for, will be grey and disabled so that you don’t enter their information twice.


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