Event Guest Timesheets

Event Guest Timesheets

Guest Timesheets allow you to record the amount of time that a guest spent at an event

This is useful for recording:

  • Volunteer hours

  • Time spent by beneficiaries - e.g. if you need to bill your clients for time spent

Getting started with Guest Timesheets

  • How to enable Guest Timesheets

  • How to record Guest Timesheets

  • How to view and edit Guest Timesheets

How to enable Guest Timesheets

  • Guest Timesheets are enabled on an event-by-event basis from the Create/Edit Event page

  • While creating or editing an event, scroll to the bottom of the page

  • In the Advanced section, tick the Enable itemised event timesheets for each guest

  • If the event is a recurring event, you will be given the option to save these changes for all subsequent events in the series


How to record Guest Timesheets

  • When Guest Timesheets are enabled for an event, the Time Spent button appears within the Event Actions panel

  • Select it to launch the Timesheet popup

  • Once you select the Guests radio button, it will display a list of the Guests at the event who have not already had a Timesheet completed for them for this event

  • Enter the hours and minutes that each guest spent at the event

  • You do not need to complete the timesheets for all the guests at the same time

  • Once you enter information for a guest and press Save, their timesheet field is grey and disabled the next time that you or anyone else loads the Timesheet popup


How to view and edit Guest Timesheets

  1. Go to My Apps

  2. Select Timesheets

  3. Select the Contact Timesheets tab

  4. The Contact Timesheets tab displays the Guest Timesheets

  5. Click the Edit button to edit a guest timesheet

  6. The Time fields clear so you can enter the correct or updated information if necessary. Press Save or Cancel as required.

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