Event Attendance

Event Attendance

You can track whether individual guests have attended each event.

What you can do with Event Attendance


How to do it


How to do it

Record that guests have attended an event

  1. Design the Event Attendance form

  2. Use the Add Attendance & More button on the event’s page

Record that guests were late, cancelled or interacted with the event in a different way

  1. Design the Event Attendance form and include metrics for the other things you want to capture, such as being late, etc

  2. Use the Add Attendance & More button on the event’s page

Report on the attendance rate

Go to the Event Attendance tab of the Manage Events page

Where event attendance data can be viewed

How to setup Event Attendance tracking

These steps are described in more detail in the Design the Event Attendance form article

  1. Create a metric (or choose an existing metric to use) to track event attendance.

    1. “Session Attendances” is a commonly used metric to track event attendance

  2. Add that metric to a survey

  3. Add that survey to an event category

  4. Create an event using that event category

  5. Add guests to the event

  6. Create a story about that event and in that story, tick the event attendance for each guest that attended the event