Explore the Distance Travelled chart and table

Explore the Distance Travelled chart and table

You can calculate Distance Travelled automatically


You must have a Progress Board that contains the Multiple Choice Questions that you want to analyse Distance Travelled for. (How to add Multiple Choice Questions to a Board)

  1. Go to the Progress Board containing the Multiple Choice Tracker on the project(s) you are analysing

  2. Click the title of the Multiple Choice Tracker

  3. This causes the Card Popup to launch


Explore the data

See the different journeys

  • Every pair of start points and end points is a Distance Travelled ‘Journey’.

    • For example, going from Moderately Disagree to Slightly Disagree is a Journey

  • There are two ways to display the different journeys:

    • Chart view

    • Table view

  • By default the data loads in Chart view - there is a line for each journey

  • Select the Table radio button to toggle to Table view where there is a row for each journey

  • In table view you can see the

    • number of contacts who did each journey

    • percentage of contacts who did each journey

    • names of contacts who did each journey

    • first story and last story of each contact who did that journey


Identify the contacts who did each journey

  1. Start by selecting the Table radio button to toggle to the Table view

  2. Click the title of each Journey (distance that was travelled) to expand the row and display the contacts who did each journey


See the first and last survey responses (stories) of the contacts who did each journey

  1. Access the table view of the Distance Travelled dataset

  2. Expand the row for the journey you want to investigate further

  3. The list of contacts who made that journey are displayed

  4. “Start” and “End” appear next to the name of each contact

  5. Click either to launch a popup that contains details of when the story (survey response) was completed

  6. Press View Response to be taken to the story (survey response) for that contact

  7. You will arrive on the Answers tab of the story page.

  8. If it is blank, click the Summary tab and then select the Answers tab again

  9. The answers for that contact are displayed

  10. If the story contains survey responses for multiple contacts you will see a row for each contact below each question.