Set your password

Set your password

You can change your password at any time while you are logged in.


To request a new password while you are not signed in, follow the instructions to reset your password

  1. Click More in top right corner 

  2. A dropdown menu appears

  3. Select Settings

  4. You arrive on the Settings page 

  5. Select the Password tab

  6. You arrive on the Password page

  7. Enter your Current password at the top

  8. In the Password field, enter your new password.

    1. The box will have a red outline while you are typing until your password is strong enough, i.e. it contains

      1. at least 1 capital letter

      2. at least 1 lowercase letter

      3. at least 1 number

      4. at least 1 special character

      5. at least 8 characters in total

    2. The Password box will have a green outline once the password is strong enough

    3. Enter the password again into the Confirm Password box

      1. The box will have a red outline while you are typing until your password matches the Password above and meets the strength criteria

  9. Press Save Settings to save your password

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