Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Full Name

  • Type of contact

  • Date joined organisation

  • User who added the contact to the organisation

  • Projects the contact is currently part of

  • Groups the contact is currently part of

  • Date the contact was most recently tagged in a story (interaction)

  • Date the contact was first tagged in a story (interaction)

StepsHow to do it

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Contacts

  3. You arrive in the Contacts App

  4. Select More Options

  5. Select Download as CSV



  • You can export the content of each of the main tabs on the Contacts page by clicking the More Options and selecting Download as csv.


You can download the details of every case on your platform


StepsHow to do it

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Cases

  3. You arrive on the Manage Cases page

  4. Press Download

  5. This will download the table. It contains:

    1. a row for each case

    2. a column for each field used in your Case Forms


You can download attendance figures for your events from the Event Attendance page. The information is presented as a csv file.

Steps How to do it

  1. Select My Apps

  2. Select Events

  3. Select Attendance

  4. Use the People filters to choose which guests you want to see attendance information for

  5. Use the Event filters to choose which events you want to see attendance information for

  6. Press Download to download the table



This table can serve as a template when you are importing contacts because it has a column for each field that data can be imported into

StepsHow to do it

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Contact Forms

  3. Select Field view

  4. You arrive on the Fields per Contact Form page

  5. Press the Download button

  6. Your download is saved as a csv file

Original import files



You can only download survey responses for a single Master Survey at a time. But the download can include

  • multiple responses per contact (e.g. their Before and After responses)

  • responses from across multiple projects (if multiple projects are using that same Master Survey)

Download series analysis: one row per respondent

Download survey responses

When on the Analyse tab of a Survey Campaign page (or , click More Options and choose Download

Alternatively, when on the Survey Analytics page having selected the survey and a project), the Download Responses button appears that lets you download responses as a csv file

Note that the structure of the CSV file is one row per response per respondent


Download verdicts

If your survey has survey scores and verdicts enabled, you can download those as well.


You can download your timesheets.

StepsHow to do it

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Timesheets

  3. You arrive on the Manage Timesheets page

  4. Click the Download button

  5. You can save your download as a CSV file
