You can add Jump To (skip logic) to your surveys on Makerble.
This is an alternative to Hide Unless skip logic
How it works
Any multiple choice question can be a routing question, i.e. a question from which skip logic is applied
Any question or section that appears further down in the survey can be a destination, i.e. a place that a respondent arrives after having answered a routing question
In the absence of respondents being skipped forwards, they will continue to ‘descend’ through the survey under ‘gravity’ by answering one question after the next
Key considerations
Respondents cannot skip backwards
A routing question can only be used to skip a respondent once. You cannot base future routing on a previous skip condition.
Watch the walkthrough video of this example
Key principles
In the absence of skip logic, the respondent will continue the natural order of questions under ‘gravity’.
In Question 1 if the respondent chooses Red, they naturally progress to Question 2
If in Question 2 the respondent chooses None of these, they naturally progress to Question 3
You can set different answer choices to skip forward to different destinations (see Question 7 in the example)
You can set every answer choice within a single question to cause the respondent to skip forwards (see Question 8 in the example)
Skip logic can only be added to a survey by the user who is the Survey Owner
Select My Apps in the top menu
Select Surveys
You arrive on the Manage Surveys page
If the survey is owned by your organisation, use the dropdown list to select Manage Surveys for: Organisation
Switch to Tables view
Select the name of the survey
You arrive on the Survey’s profile page
Go to the Multiple choice question that will initiate the jump (It can be a Single Choice, limited choice or multiple choice)
Click on Actions Button. From the drop down select Skip Logic: Jump To option.
A popup appears in which you can add the Skip Logic to that routing question
Tick the Answer Choices you want to base the skip on
Select the destination question from the dropdown list
Press save
The popup closes and the routing conditions are saved
To add a 2nd condition, click the Add skip logic button
The popup reappears and displays the settings you just added in the Existing skip logics section
In the Add new Skip Logic section you can add the additional routing. Ensure that you do not select the same Answer Choices that you chose previously as otherwise this will cause a conflict in the routing
Press save
The popup will close
Skip conditions are saved every time you press Save
You can see all the Skip Logics associated with a question by clicking the “Skip Logic added: Jump From Here” present below the question. (Only appears for questions that have a Skip logic)
You can also see if a question is affected by a Skip Logic and what question is affecting it by clicking “Affected by Skip Logic: Arrive Here From” option below the question. (Only appears for question that are affected by Skip Logic)