View timesheets

View timesheets

You can see a table of all the timesheets that have been created

Timesheets are not available by default. You must enable Timesheets first. There are two types of timesheet:


  1. Select My Apps

  2. Select Timesheets

  3. You arrive on the Timesheets page

  1. You can use Timesheet Filters to find a list of timesheets that match specific criteria.



  2. Click on the Timesheet Filters and filter the timesheets by

    1. Colleagues

    2. Contacts

    3. Events

    4. Event Categories

    5. Projects

    6. Date Range

      1. You have access to a predefined list of commonly used date ranges like

        • Today

        • Late 7 days

        • Next 7 days etc.

      2. You still have the option to manually choose the desired start and end dates using the Custom Range.