Instant Update to log progress towards a Numerical Progress Tracker

Instant Update to log progress towards a Numerical Progress Tracker

How to create a story that logs progress against a Value indicator

  • For a Value Indicator such as aaaa value (just an example) user can only enter a Numerical Value for each beneficiary


From a Progress Board

  1. Go to the Progress Board that contains that Tracker

  2. Click the plus icon in the card for that Progress Tracker

  3. This launches the Instant Update (Quick Update) popup

  4. The Quick Update popup displays a table with a numerical box next to the name of each contact in your project

  5. Enter a number for each contact you want to add data for. (You can leave some contacts blank)

  6. Add any additional information

    1. Description text

    2. Location (adding a location to a story means that you can see the story on a map and use the map to see where progress happens)

    3. Back date

    4. Attachments

  7. Press the Publish button

  8. The popup closes and the progress bar updates

All stories created using the Short Story popup (Quick Update popup) use the default survey of the project that the story is saved in; A project's default survey