Self Check-in Page: see how event guests use Self Check-in

Self Check-in Page: see how event guests use Self Check-in

The Self Check-in Page allows guests to check themselves into an event

Event guests can access the Self Check-In Page in several ways as outlined in the article: Open or Share the Self Check-In Page with event guests.

How It Works

  1. The Self Check-in page displays the event’s guests and a Search Bar where guests can search for their name

  2. When a guest selects their name, they are taken to a page where they can complete the Self Check-in Form

  3. Once they complete the form, they see a confirmation message.

    1. After a few seconds they are automatically redirected back to the Self Check-in Page and they can pass the device to the next guest.

    2. Once a guest has done Self Check-in for the event, their name is removed from that event’s Self Check-in Page

  4. The next guest then selects their name and continues the cycle.