Access the Edit Project Targets page

Access the Edit Project Targets page


You must be a Project Manager or an Organisation Admin in order to access the Edit Project Targets page

  1. Press My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select the Projects app

  3. You arrive on the Manage Projects page

  4. Switch from Grid view to List view

  5. Wait for the table to load

  6. Scroll down until you see the project that you want to access the Edit Targets page of

  7. Click the cog icon next to the name of that project

  8. This open’s the project’s More Options dropdown menu

  9. Select Targets from the dropdown list

  10. You arrive on the Edit Project Targets page

    1. If you are on this page in order to ensure that a metric has definitely been added to a project, simply scroll to the bottom of the page and press Save

    2. If you are on this page in order to manage targets, follow these steps Set project target


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