Edit a Dropdown (Category)

Edit a Dropdown (Category)

You can edit a Dropdown (Category) from the Dropdowns (Categories) App


You must be an Organisation Admin to edit a Dropdown (Category).

  • If a Dropdown (Category) that you use is not shown in your Dropdown (Categories) App, contact help@makerble.com

It is not advised to remove or edit an Answer Choice if that Answer Choice has already been

  • selected when creating a contact

  • selected in a survey response

  • included within a story

  • included within any content that has been created on Makerble

If you do edit the Answer Choice, this change will be reflected in all the stories, contacts and other types of content that had the Answer Choice selected.

If you want to add a replace an old question with a new question that has a different set of Answer Choices, it is better to

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Dropdown


  3. Your Dropdowns are displayed.

  4. Press the Edit button next to the Dropdown you want to edit


  5. The Answer Choices within that Dropdown are displayed in rows.

  6. Below each Answer Choice is a Priority Number: this determines where within the list each Answer Choice appears.

    1. Note: each Answer Choice must have a unique Priority Number and the numbers should increase sequentially from 1.

    2. Note: if you want to reorder the Answer Choices within a Dropdown, you should change the Priority Number rather than edit the text of the Answer Choice itself. If you edit the text within each of the Answer Choice fields, it will edit the Answer Choices on your Contacts' records and/or in your stories that use that Multiple Choice Question.

    3. Note: do not delete any Answer Choices that exist within your Category as it could cause a problem if you have contacts that have that particular Answer Choice on their contact record; or if you have stories in which that answer choice was selected in a Multiple Choice question

  7. Press the Add item button to add a new Answer Choice. Make sure you give it a Priority Number.

  8. Press save.

  9. All forms and surveys using this Dropdown will automatically be updated to include your additional Answer Choices.