Create a Dropdown field

Create a Dropdown field

Dropdowns are used in Contact Forms, Event Categories, Project Templates and Scale-type Survey Questions (Choice trackers).

This method of creating a Dropdown is for users at Pro level of using Makerble as you will need to choose the correct Category and Category type in order for your Dropdown to behave the way you want it to.

Easier ways to create a Dropdown field


  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Go to Dropdowns in the My Apps sub-menu (if you don't see Dropdowns appear, reload the page)

  3. You arrive on the Manage Dropdowns page


  4. Select Create new Dropdown.

  5. On the Create new Dropdown page


    1. ensure that each item in the Dropdown has a different Priority number

    2. Each priority number should increase sequentially from 1

    3. click the Add item button to add new items to the Dropdown

    4. Click the Remove item button to remove any empty items from the Dropdown

    5. In the Advanced Options section, you can optionally choose which Dropdown Category to add the Category to

    6. Press Save

    7. You arrive back on the Manage Dropdown page and your Dropdown has been created. It will appear on this page in alphabetical order.

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