Categories and Instances

Categories and Instances

Watch the walkthrough video: Induction: introducing CATEGORIES and INSTANCES


What the CATEGORY is

INSTANCES that are created using this Category


What the CATEGORY is

INSTANCES that are created using this Category

Beneficiary Categories

Front-end title: Contact Forms

Web documentation

API documentation


A defined set of fields that loads when user wants to create or edit a beneficiary


Front-end title: Contacts

API documentation

Web documentation

Story Categories

Front-end title: Surveys

Web documentation

API documentation

A defined set of fields and metrics (Changes and Indicators) that load whenever a user wants to create or edit a story


Front-end titles:

  • Stories

  • Survey Responses

  • Updates

Web documentation

API documentation

Project Categories

Front-end title: Project Forms (or Project Templates)

Web documentation


A defined set of fields that load whenever a user wants to create or edit a project


Web documentation

API documentation

Event Categories

Front-end title: Event Categories

Web documentation


A defined set of fields that load whenever a user wants to create or edit an event


Web documentation

Document Categories


A defined set of fields and pre-filled text boxes that load whenever a user wants to create or edit a document


Custom Form for Contacts

Web documentation

A defined set of fields that load whenever user wants to create or edit a beneficiary (if the charity has switched over to Custom Forms for Contacts)



Front-end title: Contacts

Web documentation

API documentation

Custom Forms for Contacts are therefore an alternative way to create contacts to the original method of using Beneficiary Categories

Custom Form for Cases

Front-end title: Case Forms

Web documentation

API documentation

A defined set of fields that load whenever a user wants to create or edit a case


Web documentation

API documentation

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