Story Category Response API

Story Category Response API


API Documentation

  • Endpoint: GET /api/v2//stories/story_category_response?page=1&per_page=15

  • Authentication: Requires valid authentication token

  • Response format: JSON

  • Query Parameters:

    • page (Optional): The page number for pagination. (Default is 1).

    • per_page (Optional): The number of stories to display per page. (Default is 10).

    • story_category_id (Optional): Filter stories by a specific story category ID.

    • project_ids (Optional): An array of project IDs to filter stories.

    • start_date (Optional): Filter stories created on or after this date.

    • end_date (Optional): Filter stories created on or before this date.

Response Attributes

  • page: The current page number.

  • page_size: The number of stories per page.

  • page_count: The total number of pages.

  • total_count: The total number of stories.

  • total_metrics_count_per_page: The total count of metrics for the displayed stories.

  • data: An array of stories with the following attributes:

    • id: Unique identifier for the story.

    • text: Story text.

    • story_category_id: ID of the story category.

    • story_category: Name of the story category.

    • project_id: ID of the associated project.

    • project: Name of the associated project.

    • user_id: ID of the user associated with the story.

    • charity_id: ID of the associated charity.

    • send_survey_id: ID of the associated survey.

    • event_id: ID of the associated event.

    • created_at: Timestamp of story creation.

    • updated_at: Timestamp of story update.

    • known_beneficiaries_count: Count of known beneficiaries.

    • unknown_beneficiaries_count: Count of unknown beneficiaries.

    • latitude: Latitude of the story location.

    • longitude: Longitude of the story location.

    • indicator: An array of indicators with the following attributes:

      • beneficiary_id: ID of the beneficiary.

      • beneficiary_name: Name of the beneficiary.

      • indicator_id: ID of the indicator.

      • indicator_name: Name of the indicator.

      • indicator_type: Type of the indicator (e.g., scale, binary).

      • outcome_id: ID of the outcome.

      • outcome_name: Name of the outcome.

      • created_at: Timestamp of indicator creation.

      • updated_at: Timestamp of indicator update.

      • number: Numeric value of the indicator.

      • sub_ratio_id: ID of the sub-ratio.

      • subratio_name: Name of the sub-ratio.

    • change: An array of changes with the following attributes:

      • change_id: ID of the change.

      • change_name: Name of the change.

      • created_at: Timestamp of change creation.

      • updated_at: Timestamp of change update.

    • custom_field: An array of custom fields with the following attributes:

      • custom_field_id: ID of the custom field.

      • field_name: Name of the custom field.

      • field_data_type: Data type of custom field.



GET https://makerble.com/api/v2/stories/story_category_response?page=1&per_page=4


{ "page": 1, "page_size": 4, "page_count": 1, "total_count": 4, "total_metrics_count_per_page": 19, "data": [ { "id": 370234, "text": null, "story_category_id": 6008, "story_category": "My 1st Project/Programme - you can rename this - Update", "project_id": 3918, "project": "konoha development project", "user_id": 6122, "charity_id": null, "send_survey_id": null, "event_id": null, "created_at": "2023-10-13T07:52:07.000+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-10-13T07:52:07.436+01:00", "known_beneficiaries_count": 1, "unknown_beneficiaries_count": 0, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "indicator": [ { "beneficiary_id": 147750, "beneficiary_name": "naruto", "indicator_id": 1659, "indicator_name": "10 Health Checks", "indicator_type": "binary", "outcome_id": 939, "outcome_name": "10 Health Checks", "created_at": "2023-10-13T07:52:07.350+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-10-13T07:52:07.350+01:00", "number": 0.0, "sub_ratio_id": null, "subratio_name": null } ], "change": [], "custom_field": [ { "custom_field_id": 2867, "field_name": "1st Name", "field_data_type": "text", "custom_field_value": "dattebayo", "beneficiary_id": 147750, "beneficiary_name": "naruto" } ] }, { "id": 370272, "text": null, "story_category_id": 6070, "story_category": "hokage survey", "project_id": 3918, "project": "konoha development project", "user_id": 6122, "charity_id": null, "send_survey_id": null, "event_id": null, "created_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:30.000+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:31.011+01:00", "known_beneficiaries_count": 2, "unknown_beneficiaries_count": 0, "latitude": "35.7022589", "longitude": "139.7744733", "indicator": [ { "beneficiary_id": 147750, "beneficiary_name": "naruto", "indicator_id": 6920, "indicator_name": "MCQ tracker 1", "indicator_type": "scale", "outcome_id": 5398, "outcome_name": "its the outcome ", "created_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:30.827+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:30.827+01:00", "number": 0.0, "sub_ratio_id": 19516, "subratio_name": "2" }, { "beneficiary_id": 147756, "beneficiary_name": "jiraiya", "indicator_id": 6923, "indicator_name": "achievement tracker 1", "indicator_type": "binary", "outcome_id": 5398, "outcome_name": "its the outcome ", "created_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:30.827+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:30.827+01:00", "number": 0.0, "sub_ratio_id": null, "subratio_name": null } ], "change": [ { "change_id": 2514, "change_name": "participation tracker 1", "created_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:30.625+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-10-13T08:16:30.625+01:00" } ], "custom_field": [ { "custom_field_id": 4269, "field_name": "Add attachment", "field_data_type": "file", "custom_field_value": { "file_name": "naruto.png", "file_url": "test", "content_type": "image/png" }, "beneficiary_id": 147750 } ] } ] }