You can share a contact with people outside your organisation
External Sharing must be turned on before you can share a contact with someone outside your organisation
Note that Sharing a contact with an external partner is different to signposting a contact.
Signposting is a reporting mechanism. It allows you to record on Makerble that a certain contact was signposted to an organisation but it does not send any automated communication to the Signposting partner
Sharing a contact with partners is a communication mechanism; it lets you send an email to someone and explain why you are giving them access to that contact.
As such you might find it useful to do both of these steps rather than only one or the other.
Go to the Contact Profile Page of the contact you’d like to share with someone outside your organisation
Select the padlock icon to open the Privacy Popup for that contact
Enter the email address of the person outside your organisation in the Override text box
Select the email address in the blue highlight
Optionally add a message to that person outside your organisation, e.g. explaining why you are giving them access to this particular contact.
Choose the Access Level you want to give the person to the contact (purple arrow)
Choose the Project you want the person to be part of (blue arrow)
Updates written by the person outside your organisation will be saved in whichever project you select
Press Save Changes
The person outside your organisation will receive an email to let them know that they have been given access to the contact. The email will contain the optional message you wrote.
If the person outside your organisation does not already have a Makerble User Account, they will receive an additional email that contains their login credentials so they can sign in.