Get Started with Active Participants
Invite contacts to become Active Participants - i.e. add Contacts to a Managed Progress Board
Comparison: Colleagues Contacts v Active Participants v Colleagues
Organisation | Colleagues | Contacts | Data Captured | Reporting |
Example 1 - Employment service | Staff who advise young people on how to get a job | Unemployed young people |
Example 2 - Homeless shelter | Staff and Volunteers who provide the food and run the shelter | Homeless people |
Example 3 - Mental Health clinic | Staff and Volunteers who provide counselling services | People with mental health difficulties |
Example 1 - Employment service
The organisation pays £4.95/app/user/month for each Colleague to use Makerble.
The organisation does not pay based on the number of Contacts who are registered on Makerble.
But if the organisation wants a young person to be able to login to Makerble in order to
journal their progress towards finding a job, e.g. posting updates about interviews secured, job applications made, courses they have attended, etc.
see the progress posted by other young people who are looking for a job
and see the updates logged by their Careers Advisor…
…the organisation could buy some a block of Participant Credits which would give each young person access to Makerble.
The organisation pays £4.95/app/user/month for each Colleague to use Makerble.
The organisation does not pay based on the number of Contacts who are registered on Makerble.
But if the organisation wants a homeless person to be able to login to Makerble in order to
journal their progress towards leaving poverty
see the progress posted by other homeless people
and see the updates logged by their caseworker…
…the organisation could buy some a block of Participant Credits which would give each homeless person access to Makerble.
The organisation pays £4.95/app/user/month for each Colleague to use Makerble.
The organisation does not pay based on the number of Contacts who are registered on Makerble.
But if the organisation wants a person with mental health difficulties to be able to login to Makerble in order to
journal their mental health journey
see the progress posted by people on the programme
and see the updates logged by their caseworker…
…the organisation could buy some a block of Participant Credits which would give each client access to Makerble.