Stories which combine an activity that happened and tagged contacts' attendance
If you want to import stories that combine both an Activity Tracker that records that an activity happened, e.g. “Training Sessions Held” as well as one or more Attendance Trackers that record the attendance of tagged contacts e.g. “Training Session Attendances”, you can import these as two sets of stories that are linked by a unique story identifier.
Start by creating the spreadsheet that contains the Activity Tracker
This spreadsheet must include the unique story identifier code that you are using to distinguish this story from the others in the spreadsheet
Then create the spreadsheet that contains the attendance information
There will need to be a row for each contact that attended and there will need to be a column for the unique story identifier
When the Attendance stories spreadsheet is imported, the option to Merge Stories will be selected and the attendance rows of the spreadsheet will be merged into the story with the Activity Tracker
Example scenario
You have a list of events and you are importing a story for each event that contains the event name, location, information about the event etc. That will be imported as a stories with anonymous progress
You have a list of event attendees. Each attendee at each event exists as a separate row.
Using a Unique Story Identifier you can initially import the events and the import the attendees in a way that merges with the original event stories so that on Makerble you have a single story that shows the event details and the details of the attendees at that event