Build 1A: Create an Organisation and Projects

Build 1A: Create an Organisation and Projects

Follow these steps

  1. Create a new Gmail account in the format name.makerble@gmail.com - this is because you will need to connect this account to Makerble using our Google integration

  2. Sign up on Makerble PRODUCTION using your new Gmail account on www.makerble.com/personal-sign-up

  3. Create an Organisation (use the charitable organisation that you came up with in the Design1 exercise https://trello.com/c/C6WXYxyI/354-design-1-create-your-own-measure-the-difference-plan-1-hour)

  4. Add your user profile as a comment to this card

  5. Create two projects (use the projects that you came up with in the Design1 exercise https://trello.com/c/C6WXYxyI/354-design-1-create-your-own-measure-the-difference-plan-1-hour

  6. Set the privacy of your projects to Everyone: click the padlock button at the top of the project page and set it to Everyone

  7. Copy the url of your project and paste it as a comment in the trello card

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