Design the Guest Background Information custom table

Design the Guest Background Information custom table

Every event has a Guests table that displays the names of the contacts who have been added as guests to that event.

You can optionally add background information about each guest (contact) to the Guests table.

Example of the Guests table

The box in red is the Guests table. It contains information from three sources:

  • The Add Guests popup: the name of every guest is displayed in the Contact Name column. This happens automatically

  • The Event Guest Booking Form

  • The Contact Profile record of the guest

The Contact Profile record contains all your organisation’s information about that particular contact.

You can choose to display some of that information on the Guest Information table, e.g. displaying the guest’s Address or Date of Birth. This removes the need to add that information into the Guest Booking Form.

How to design the Guest Background Information custom table

  1. Go to the Create or edit an Event Category page

  2. Scroll down to section 3: Guest Background Information

  3. Select the Yes option to enable this table

  4. You will see a list of fields that belong to the Contact Forms being used within your organisation. The list also contains system-generated fields, such as Groups, which relate to each contact

  5. Tick the fields that you want to add to the Guest Background Information table. (Every field you select here will ultimately appear as a column on the Event page)

  6. Click Save

  7. When an event is created using this Event Category, the Guest Background Information table will automatically populate with the fields you chose