Directory | find your coworkers
Find the users you are connected to on Makerble
Launch the My Apps ribbon
Select Directory (also called Changemakers or People)
The page loads in Cards view by default. Switch to Table by selecting the option below the page title.
Find people you are connected to
Use the Search bar to find people by name
Use the Filter People button to filter people based on
Organisation they are part of
Projects they are part of
Teams they are in
Use the Quick Filters to display
Colleagues: i.e. people who are working within your organisation or on your projects (i.e. people who are Organisation Admins, Project Creators, Organisation Members, Project Managers, Project Reporters or Project Members)
Followers: i.e. people you follow.
Following: i.e. people who follow you
Clicking a person’s name or face takes you to their Profile page
By default you automatically follow your project colleagues and they automatically follow you back. You can choose to unfollow anyone at any time and they can similarly choose to unfollow you if you wish.
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