Get all viewable contact details (API) (Beneficiary fields)


  • Beneficiary is the back-end term for what in the front-end is called a Contact

  • The screenshot below is a typical Contact Profile Page on Makerble for a contact called Abigail Holmes

  • The red section is her Bio. It contains

    • Default fields: Name, profile picture, address, date of birth

    • Unlimited custom fields, e.g. Marital status etc.

  • The purple section is her Timeline. It contains stories that she is tagged in.

API Documentation

Beneficiaries (aka contacts)

Desc: Get all viewable contact details

Latest changes: now includes avatar and custom fields

url: /beneficiaries

params: default params
header: {'X-User-Token': 'Ppteex1dWbEcnNC311NFOrJqNHP98zN2ccMpWEei--ixL50J7uZsnprbOu--WbOcz50zaS48JzyXXZHS9A==',
'X-User-Email': ‘’}

additional params:

charity_id: 123 (default null)

project_id: 431 (default null)

response example: default response example (multiple records)


Front-end Documentation

  • Beneficiaries are called Contacts in the front-end