Once you have connected your ThankQ account to your Makerble Organisation, you can create Contact Roles on Makerble based on the Relationships that your contacts have on ThankQ.
Why you might do this
Contact Roles are useful if you need to report on transitions that contacts make between different roles over time. The Contact Role Transitions chart on the Manage Contacts page - Productivity tab displays the number of contacts with each role who were assigned another role each month.
Open the ThankQ integration by clicking the downward-facing arrow
Press the Add an action button
There are four actions available within the ThankQ-Makerble integration. The actions relate to the dataset within ThankQ which is going to be accessed.
Select Relationships from the dropdown list and click save
When you next open the ThankQ integration section, you see a box called ThankQ Relationships
Click the Routes button within the ThankQ Relationships box
You arrive on a page that lets you Manage Routes from the ThankQ Relationships Table. (Once you have added your first route, you will see it displayed here)
Press the Add a route button
You arrive on the New Route page
When asked to choose the type of record to create on Makerble; select Contact Roles from the dropdown list
When asked to select a unique record identifier, leave it blank as Relationships on ThankQ do not have a unique identifying field
Press save
You return to the Manage Routes page
Press the Route Settings button
You arrive on the Route Settings page for this route
In Step 1: Add in the fields you want to use to filter which Relationships are going to be used to create Contact Roles
In Step 2: Choose the contact within the Relationship who should have the Contact Role applied to them. You do this by choosing which serial number will be used; the parent’s or the child’s.
In Step 3: Choose the Contact Role that will be assigned. Note: you will need to create a new Route within this Action for each Contact Role you want to be assigned.
Press save.
The integration runs on a 24 hour cycle.