The problem
When you are renaming a user, you see a Warning Popup that says Friendly is reserved
Why this happens
There are several usernames which are reserved for internal use by the Makerble application.
Among these are the names edit and admin.
For this reason, you will see a Warning Message saying Friendly is reserved if you try to
sign up as a user using those names
rename your own user account to have those names
rename an Organisation-controlled User to have one of those names.
Your user names should be the real names of people - apart from the exceptional cases where a person’s real name includes a reserved word, such as Admin or Edit.
The solution
If you are renaming users as part of the deactivation process and you do not want to use the real name of the user: Rename the user to an alternative name e.g.
“z - not in use - 1”,
“z - not in use - 2”