A contact has 'Participation Access' when you add them to a Managed Progress Board.
Once added to a Managed Progress Board they can:You can give your contacts login access to Makerble by giving them a Participant Credit
Participant Credits allow a contact to login to Makerble and access 1 project for 1 month.
You can extend a contact’s access to Makerble and/or give them access to additional projects by purchasing additional Participant Credits.
When a contact has a Participant Credit they can:
Login to Makerble
Post Updates
See their own Progress
Discover, discuss and share Tips
Have a sense of community with other Participating Contacts whom you have added to the board
When you turn a Contact into a Participating Contact, you allow that Contact to login to Makerble and access the Managed Progress Board.
You therefore need to provide an email address for each Contact whom you want to turn into a Participating Contact, as they will need an email address and password in order to login.
Rules & Relationships
A single Participating Contact can be added to multiple Managed Progress Boards
There are three types of Participant Credit
See | Share | Ask |
Show contacts their progress and curated learning content | Enable contacts to journal their progress and encourage each other | Empower contacts to seek feedback from their peers and explore anonymised results |
How it works
Purchase Participant Credits by emailing billing@makerble.com
Invite a contact to become a Participant by adding them to a Managed Progress Board
Info |
Get Started with Participants
Invite a contact to become a Participant - i.e. add Contacts to a Managed Progress Board