Create a Managed Progress Board

Create a Managed Progress Board

You can create Progress Boards that can be shared with colleagues. These are called Managed Boards.

Once your Board has been created it will look like this.

Watch the walkthrough



  1. Select Create in the top menu

  2. In the More Options part of the dropdown list, select Managed Progress Board

  3. On the Basic Info tab

    1. Name: name your Progress Board

    2. Colleagues have their own version of the board: leave this ticked

    3. click Next

  4. On the Navigation tab

    1. Include links in the top navigation: set this to No (unless you are using the board to manage active participants)

    2. Press Next

  5. On the Projects tab

    1. Select any projects that you want to pin to the board. (They do not need to be the same projects that you will view the progress of)

    2. Press Next

  6. On the Goals tab

    1. On the left you can choose which Progress Trackers and other metrics you want to display on your Board.

    2. Once you select a Progress Tracker by ticking its green tick symbol, it appears on the right side.

      1. If you want the Card to be read-only on the Board, click the Hide quick update button checkbox next to that Progress Tracker on the right side

    3. The left side is divided into three area:

      1. Projects: this lists all the projects you have permission to access

      2. Organisation Albums: this lists the albums owned by your organisation

      3. Personal Albums: this lists the albums owned by you

    4. When you expand a project or an album, you can see a list of its Progress Trackers and other metrics.

      1. Progress Trackers are listed in the order that they appear within the project’s strategy

      2. The other metrics that are available are

        1. Number of contacts added to the project per month

        2. Number of project contacts interacted with per month

  7. On the Collections tab

    1. Add any Collections that you want to pin to the board

    2. Press Next

  8. On the Colleagues tab

    1. Use the Members box to enter the name or email address of people you want to add to the board

    2. Everyone you add to the board will be saved as a Member initially

    3. To make someone an Admin, add them as a Member, press Save and then once you have finished creating the board, follow these steps to edit the board and when you arrive on the Colleagues tab, you will see the Make an Admin button next to their name

    4. Press Next

  9. On the Preferences tab

    1. Press Save & Finish

  10. You arrive on your newly created Progress Board which displays a Card for each Progress Tracker or metric you selected

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