Make your contacts Participants when you want to
retain engagement and ensure high completion rates when conducting longitudinal research - i.e. collecting collect responses in a far more engaging way than through traditional surveys
spark agency among your contacts by showing them their own progress-over-time which inspires them to take action themselves to achieve outcomes
increase an entire group’s performance by creating a space - a community of practice -where contacts provide each other with peer-to-peer support, feedback and encouragement or even friendly competition.
How it works
By default, a contact is simply only exists as a record in your CRM and therefore a contact cannot login
When But when you make a contact a Participant, they get their own User Account which means they can now login to Makerble
Participant Credits allow your Participants to login and use Makerble.
Each Participant Credit gives a Participant access to 1 project for 1 month
For example, a Participant with access to e.g. 3 projects for e.g. 6 months, would use 18 Participant Credits
You can purchase additional Participant Credits by emailing billing@makerble.com