Outcomes are the difference your work makes.
You can measure your outcomes by adding one or more Progress Trackers to each outcome.
Outcomes are your hopes for the work you do.
Progress Trackers are the way you measure them.
What are outcomes?
Think about the difference your work makes in terms of:
What difference does your programme make to how people think?
What difference does your programme make to what people or organisations do; and how they behave?
What difference does your programme make to what people or organisations have; be it financial wealth or mental health?
Each difference that your programme makes to the way people think is an outcome.
Each difference that your programme makes to the way people behave is an outcome.
Each difference that your programme makes to what people have is an outcome.
Think, Do and Have are less ambiguous than terms like ‘short-term outcomes', ‘medium-term outcomes’ and ‘long-term outcomes’ as those terms can get misinterpreted due to the length of a 'term’ being subjective.
Visualise progress towards outcomes
Add outcomes to projects
You can add outcomes to projects
And arrange your outcomes in a way that matches your impact strategy or Theory of Change
Get started with Outcomes
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