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Read the Considerations and Preliminary Steps before importing your CSV file

How it works

  • Create or Choose a survey on Makerble that contains the same Metrics and Narrative text fields as the columns in your spreadsheet


  • Export your spreadsheet as a CSV file (this will be in your Save As, Export or Download menu)

  • Choose a project on Makerble to save the information in

  • Map the columns to the fields and metrics on Makerble and that’s it

Types of result you can import

Type of result

Can you import it into Makerble



Open Text


Date Happened (the date that you want the survey response attributed to)

  • For example, if you are uploading baseline survey responses from 3 months ago, you might want to set the Date Happened of those responses as 3 months ago.

Yes (you must add Makerble’s official Date Happened field to your survey)

Date Posted (the real date that the data was uploaded to Makerble)

This is set automatically by Makerble

Date (as in any other Date that is collected)

  • E.g. a question such as

    • What is your birthday?

    • When did you gain employment?





Yes - but requires a custom script (this is a premium service)

The following fields might appear on your Makerble Survey but they are internal fields and therefore you cannot import data into them from a spreadsheet

  • Add outcomes

  • Privacy

  • Tag additional contacts


Multiple Choice (scales)

  • E.g. a Likert Scale question such as To what extent do you agree with the following statement: I wake up feeling energised? with answer choices: Strongly disagree, disagree, no opinion, agree, strongly agree


Multiple Choice with Other as an additional text box


Multiple Choice with multiple answers per respondent to the question.

  • E.g. a question such as Which of these exercises are you familiar with? Select as many as you like with answer choices: Jogging, Running, Climbing, Swimming, Rowing, Dancing



  1. Click Create in the top menu

  2. Select Import

  3. You arrive on the New Import page



Upload Spreadsheet: this allows you to upload the spreadsheet that will be imported

  1. Choose the type of record: select Import updates with anonymous progress

  2. Give the Upload the same name as the csvs file with the prefix of the folder(s) that it’s from as the csvs file 

  3. Choose the right project

  4. Specific survey: select No

Preview & Edit: this displays the spreadsheet that has been imported. If necessary you can edit each cell of the spreadsheet on this page. However if you have significant edits to make it will be faster to edit the spreadsheet using a tool such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel and then re-upload the spreadsheet.

Scroll to the bottom and click Next

Match Authors: this lets you allocate each of the stories being imported to the users on Makerble who will be recorded as being the Authors of those stories. You can select any user within your organisation as an author of an imported story. Therefore it is advisable to add all required users to your Makerble Organisation before starting the import process.

  1. Left dropdown: Select the Created by column

  2. Right dropdown: Select the Email address column 

  3. Press Find Matching Users

  4. A table appears showing the users that have been identified

  5. Press the Next button

Stories With Unidentified Authors: this lets you deal with any rows in the spreadsheet in which Makerble was unable to automatically detect the user to assign as the Author of that story.

Match any manually if necessary

Match Columns To Fields: this is where you assign columns in the spreadsheet to fields on Makerble. The column that has already been used to match Authors should not be selected on this page.

  • Description Field: this relates to the default text field on Makerble that appears on stories created using the web platform

  • Date the activity happened: this is the Date Happened field within a story that allows you to backdate a story

Set rules for matching: If there are any Multiple Choice Question fields that were chosen in the previous step, a box for those fields will appear on this page. Makerble will detect the different Answer Choices that appear in the spreadsheet and allow you to allocate each of those detected Answer Choices to one of the available Answer Choices to that particular Multiple Choice Question.

  • You must select an Answer Choice for every answer that was detected in the spreadsheet

  • You can choose “Skip”

  • Press Next

Confirm Import

  1. Press Next

  2. A popup appears letting you know that import has begun

  3. Press Okay

  4. You arrive on the Manage Imports page

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