You can give your contacts login access to Makerble by giving them Participant Pass (formerly Participation Access.
How it works
A contact has 'Participation Access' when you add them to a Managed Progress Board.
Once added to a Managed Progress Board they can:)
Participant Passes allow a contact to login to Makerble and access one project for one month
They can
Post Updates
See their own Progress
Discover, discuss and share Tips
Have a sense of community with other Participating Contacts whom you have added to the board
How it works
A contact is given a 'Participant Pass' when you add them to a Managed Progress Board.
You therefore need to provide an email address for each Contact whom you want to turn into a Participating Contact, as they will need an email address and password in order to login.
Rules & Relationships
A single Participating Contact can be added to multiple Managed Progress BoardsA contact needs to have their own email address in order to be given a Participant Pass.