Beneficiary is the back-end term for what in the front-end is called a Contact
The screenshot below is a typical Contact Profile Page on Makerble for a contact called Abigail Holmes
The red section is her Bio. It contains
Default fields: Name, profile picture, address, date of birth
Unlimited custom fields, e.g. Marital status etc.
The purple section is her Timeline. It contains stories that she is tagged in.
API Documentation
Beneficiaries (aka contacts)
Desc: Get a single contact
Latest changes: now includes avatar and custom fields
url: /beneficiaries/:id
header: {'X-User-Token': 'Ppteex1dWbEcnNC311NFOrJqNHP98zN2ccMpWEei--ixL50J7uZsnprbOu--WbOcz50zaS48JzyXXZHS9A==',
'X-User-Email': ‘’}
params {id: 1245}
response example: default response example (single record)
Front-end Documentation
Beneficiaries are called Contacts in the front-end