Control the number of notifications you receive when contacts send SMS or email messages

Control the number of notifications you receive when contacts send SMS or email messages

You can control which notifications you receive when a contact sends


Notifications appear in the bell icon in the top menu


  1. Access your User Settings

  2. Select the Web and Email Notifications tab

  3. Scroll down to the three settings that relate to SMS notifications

    1. When a contact in one of my projects messages me or my colleagues

    2. When a contact with whom I have a Relationship messages me or my colleagues

    3. When a contact I have access to messages me or my colleagues

  4. Tick and untick the settings as you require

  5. Press Save Changes

  6. That’s it, your settings are now updated.

Settings definitions

There are three settings which relate to receiving notifications when one of your contacts sends an SMS message to your organisation’s Makerble mobile phone number.

Notification setting

What it means

Notification setting

What it means

When a contact in one of my projects messages me or my colleagues

You will receive a notification whenever an SMS or Email is sent by a contact who is in a project you are part of.

When a contact with whom I have a Relationship messages me or my colleagues

You will receive a notification whenever an SMS or Email is sent by a contact that you have a Relationship with.

When a contact I have access to messages me or my colleagues

You will receive a notification whenever an SMS or Email is sent by a contact with whom you have Profile Only Access or Post Update Access.



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