Hide questions in a Contact Form using Hide Unless skip logic

Hide questions in a Contact Form using Hide Unless skip logic

You can hide questions in a Contact Forms using Hide Unless skip logic.

Why use it

Hide Unless Skip Logic is useful when you have questions that should only be answered when specific answers are provided or some conditions are met to some previous questions. So, now signing up a user with the Contact Form will become very easy for you and others.

For example,

  • if there are 100 questions in a Contact Form

  • and question number 10 is: what is your Employment Status Unemployed or Employed.

  • Imagine that in the form,

    • the questions 21, 42 and 63 only apply to people who are Unemployed

    • but questions 14, 18 and 99 only apply to people who are Employed,

  • Hide Unless enable you to

    • designate questions 21, 42 and 63 to be Hidden UNLESS the answer to question 10 is Unemployed

      • That is, these questions will only be visible if the answer to question 10 is Unemployed.

    • designate questions 14, 18 and 99 to be Hidden UNLESS the answer to Question 10 is Employed.

      • That is, these questions will only be visible if the answer to question 10 is Employed

How to use it

  1. Go to the Manage Contact Forms Page. You can get there by:

    1. Clicking My Apps in the top menu My Apps sub menu

    2. Search Contact Forms and click it.

  2. Search for the Contact Form you want to add the logic to in the list of forms.

  3. Click on the name of the form to go to the Edit Page of that form.


  4. Go to the question you want to apply the Hide Unless Logic.

  5. Click on the Actions button corresponding to that question.

  6. Now select Skip Logic: Hide Unless option from the dropdown.


  7. The Hide Unless popup for that question appears.

  8. Select the previous question which affects this question. (You can only select a multiple choice question - which can have one or limited or unlimited options Change the number of Allowed Answer Choices for a Dropdown field in a Contact Form - that comes before this question)

  9. This open the opens for this questions.

  10. Now select the options for which this question is valid. (For which options the question should be visible)

  11. Click on Save.

  12. You can now see the Logic attached to the question

  13. This question will now only be available/visible to answer if the selected options are selected by the user.

How it looks

You can use this form on a Signup page as well and the Hide Unless Logic will work the same.

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