Start your User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Start your User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

User Acceptance Testing is the part where you invite a small group of your future users to test your platform and essentially, to try and ‘break’ it.


Newsflash, there will be bugs!

There will inevitably be

  • Forms that need to be redesigned

  • Fields that need to be worded differently

  • Other quirks in the design that ought to be resolved

Top tips for a healthy UAT phase

  1. Set a clear start date and end date for this phase so that it doesn’t drag on

  2. Have a clear way for users to document their feedback. We recommend that you get them to:

    1. Record a video (using a tool like www.loom.com) of the idea they have or trouble they’re facing

    2. Save that idea or piece of feedback in a central document

  3. Review all of the feedback at the end and remove any duplicates

  4. Discuss the revised list of amends with your implementation team and agree a timescale for implementing those changes.