Guest Status Requirements

Guest Status Requirements

The new event categories page provides a button called "Guest Status Requirements", which allows users to establish requirements for an event. Requirements allow you to create rules that prevent guests from being added to each event state until they have met all the requirements.

Create Event Guest Status.gif



  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. The My Apps sub-menu appears

  3. Select Event Categories

  4. You arrive on the Manage Event Categories page.

  5. In the Manage Event Categories page there will be a red button: Create Event Category and next to this red button is a blue button: More Options.

  6. Click More Options button to find Event Roles and Guest Statuses options.

  7. Click Guest Statuses option and reach Guest Statuses page.

  8. Click the Purple button: Create a Guest Status and create a new guest status.

Manage Guest Status Requirements

  1. There is a button called Guest Status Requirements in the Event Category page, which redirects to the event category’s Manage Requirements page.

  1. In the Guest Status Requirements page you can find different Event Guest Statuses and the Requirements you made.

Add Event states to use in this event category

  1. Come back to Event Category’s Guest Status Requirements page. There you can see the requirements you assigned for each status.

  2. In the Event Category page, on the right side of the event categories, there will be three options: Edit Settings, Guest Status Requirements, and Delete.

  3. On clicking Edit Settings option, you will reach the Edit an Event Category page

  4. In the Edit an Event Category page, under Step 5 you can drag event states from the left side box into the 'Event states to use in this event category' box.

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