Edit or rename a field on a Contact Form

Edit or rename a field on a Contact Form

You can edit or rename a field (question) that appears in a Contact Form (or Signup Page) by changing its Displayed Title (How you want it to appear in this form)

What’s the difference?

  • Displayed Title: this is what someone sees when they are filling in the form or signup page.

    • A single field can have a different Displayed Title on each Contact Form it’s used on

    • You can think of a Displayed Title as an alias

  • Internal Title: this is the name of the field when you go to your Manage Fields page.


  1. Select My Apps in top menu

  2. Select the Form

  3. You arrive on the Form’s page

  4. Press Edit

  5. You arrive on the Edit Form page

  6. Press Edit next to the field you want to rename

  7. The Edit a Field popup appears

  8. Rename the field in the How you want the field to appear in this form text box

  9. Press Save to close the popup

  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press Save

Related articles

  • Rename the Displayed title of a field in several forms at once


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