Staffing Automation - Assign workers to an event based on their availability

Staffing Automation - Assign workers to an event based on their availability

You can assign a guest automatically to an event whenever there is the availability of the worker they automatically get assigned to an event based on the frequency of the event.


Create an Event

  1. Click on My Apps

  2. Select Events

  3. Click on Create Event

  4. On the Create Event page complete all necessary details and scroll down to Limit the number of Event Workers option.

  5. There are two radio buttons Fixed capacity and Unlimted

  6. When you click Fixed capacity a numerical box appears to enter the limit of workers who will be in this event.


  7. Select Unlimited for unlimited workers for the event

  8. Click Save to save the event.

Manage Event

  1. On the manage event page, click More Option there will be two options Timetable Settings and Staff availability. The timetable Settings option is only available for Charity editors, Project Editors or Project Managers.


    Staff Availability

  1. On this page, you will have options to add user availability, delete availability, and edit availability.

  2. Click on Add new availability frequency.

  3. Select the Time slot for the user.

  4. Set the frequency(Daily or Recurring)

  5. Press Save

Once you complete the setup for Staff availability the staff will be automatically assigned to the event at the given time availability.

Timetable Settings

This page provides information regarding the guest or colleagues who is part of the event.