Delete a Tip

Delete a Tip

You can delete a Tip from several places if you are the owner of the Tip

From the Manage Tips page

  1. Select My Apps in top menu

  2. Select Tips

  3. You arrive on the Manage Tips page

  4. Press the Action button for that Tip

  5. A dropdown menu appears

  6. Select Delete

  7. A confirmation popup appears

  8. Press OK

  9. The tip is deleted

From the Tip page

  1. Press the Actions button

  2. Select Delete in the dropdown menu

  3. A dropdown menu appears

  4. A confirmation popup appears

  5. Press OK

  6. The tip is deleted

From the Homepage Newsfeed or a Timeline

  1. Press the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of the Tip

  2. A dropdown menu appears

  3. Select Delete

  4. A confirmation popup appears

  5. Press OK

  6. The tip is deleted