See the contacts you have a Relationship with

See the contacts you have a Relationship with

Your colleagues on Makerble can create Relationships between you (as a user) and individual contacts.

There are several ways to see the contacts you have a Relationship with

  • On your Makerble Profile

  • Using the Contact Filters e.g. on the Contacts App

  • On the Contact Profile Page of a contact you have a relationship with


From your Makerble Profile

  1. Go to your Makerble Profile page

  2. Scroll down to the box called Relationships on the left of your profile

  3. You can see the contacts with whom you have a Relationship

Using the Contact Filters

  1. Access the Contacts App

  2. Click the Contact Filters button

  3. Scroll down to the Relationships section

  4. Expand the Relationships box and select the Relationship Title you want to filter for

  5. And/or open the Related to section

  6. Enter your name in the User text box

  7. Press Apply

  8. The table will filter to only show the contacts that match your criteria, i.e. those contacts who are related to you (i.e. they have a Relationship with you)

From the Contact Profile page of a contact

  1. Access the Contact Profile page

  2. Scroll down to the Relationships box on the left

  3. You will be displayed in this box if there is a Relationship between you and the contact


  • If you exist in your organisation as a Contact as well as existing as a User, it could be the case that one of your colleagues has mistakenly created the Relationship with your Contact record rather than creating it with your User record. Ask your colleague to edit the relationship and make sure they select your user record not your contact record.

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