Create a single Referral Page for each project

Create a single Referral Page for each project

Watch the Walkthrough



  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Projects

  3. You arrive on the Projects page

  4. Scroll down until you see the project you want to create a Referral Form for

  5. Press the More Options button (or cog icon) next to that project

  6. Select Preferences

  7. You arrive on the Project Preferences page

  8. Scroll down to the Enable Waiting List checkbox and tick it if it is not already ticked

  9. Tick the checkbox: Assign a Contact Form to the Waiting List


  11. A dropdown list appears calIed Choose a contact form to add to the waiting list

  12. Select a Contact Form to be added to the Waiting List. This will be the Contact Form that people are invited to complete when they use the Referral Link

  13. Tick the checkbox Create a public referral link to join the Waiting List

  14. Press save

  15. Now go to the Contacts page: you can get there by clicking the Contacts button on the project’s cover image or by selecting My Apps in the top menu and choosing Contacts

  16. Press the More Options button in the right corner

  17. Select Referral Forms in the menu

  18. You arrive on the Referrals page

  19. You will see a list of projects that have Referral Forms enabled

  20. Press Copy the link to copy the Referral Link for one of these to your clipboard

  21. Now paste that link in an Incognito Window (or in a browser where you aren’t signed in to Makerble)

  22. You will see the form appear

  23. Once the form has been submitted, there is the option to submit another referral


How to view referrals

  • When the referral form is used, you will see a new contact appear in the Contacts page

  • Make sure the Waiting list filter is turned on