Post Users API

Post Users API

You can register new users on Makerble via the API

When creating users and submitting their new passwords, you must adhere to the following password strength criteria:

  • Must be at least 8 characters long

  • Must contain at least 1 number

  • Must contain at least 1 special character

  • Must contain at least 1 capital letter

API Documentation


Desc: Create user

You must request an API Key in order to use the API to create new users. Send an email to api-key-request@makerble.com with a link to this article: https://makerble.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/1257472001 (you will be unable to view that article)

This API functionality resembles the Manage Colleagues functionality that is available in the front-end. Using the API you can:



method: POST


"auth_code": “qspehLnbRlUS0uiA2mNwwXTDpZkg/3pOHko=--/Z7U95nqfvPfyQ2l--dA/nDJzKY98PHnQMl85uDQ==",
"user": {
"email": "user103@example.com",
"first_name": "User101",
"last_name": "100",
"password": "changeme",
"password_confirmation": "changeme"


"charity_controlled": "true",
"disable_email_notification": "false",

"charity_id": 31




"user": {
"id": 557,
"email": "user104@example.com"
"message": "Sign up successfully!!!"


Example with screenshots

First you create the user, then you get the user, then you can assign the user to a project