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You can also change a contacts information edit a contact's bio by either using the Quick Edit Icon button ( image-20240801-054955.png ) present alongside the field in the Bio Section on the left side.


or opening the Edit Bio page.

This article covers

Table of Contents

How to edit a contact using the Quick Edit button

  1. Go to the Contact Profile page.

  2. You can see all the contact details in the Bio section and each editable field has the edit icon beside it.

  3. Click the icon. It will open the field so you can edit it.

  4. After making changes, click on the save icon ( image-20240801-055807.png ) to save the changes or discard the changes using the close icon ( image-20240801-055854.png ).

  5. This will do the necessary changes to the contact.



This option is helpful when you want to change a lot of details or add more details using a new contact form. Add an additional Contact Form to an existing contact


How to edit a contact from the Edit Bio page

If you find that you don’t have permission to edit a contact - it might be because of the permissions
