Beneficiary is the back-end term for what in the front-end is called a Contact
This is what the action of creating a beneficiary looks like in the front end. The process is
Choose which project the beneficiary will be created within (How to get the projects)
Choose which Beneficiary Category aasigned to that project will be used to create the beneficiary (How to get the Beneficiary Categories assigned to a particular project)
Choose which one of the Beneficiary Types - Person, Organisation, Animal or Object - assigned to that Beneficiary Category will be used to create the beneficiary (How to get the Beneficiary Types assigned to a particular Beneficiary Category)
Display the fields of that beneficiary category (How to get the fields of a particular Beneficiary Category)
User can complete those fields (some of which are mandatory, such as Name) to create the beneficiary
Once the beneficiary is created, there will be a Contact Profile Page for them in the front end
The information from the Post Beneficiary API request will go into the red section of the Contact Profile Page which is called the Bio in the front end. It contains
Default fields: Name, profile picture, address, date of birth
Unlimited custom fields, e.g. Marital status etc.
The purple section is the Timeline. It contains stories that she is tagged in. These are created separately using the Stories API.
API Documentation
Desc: Post a single contact
url: /beneficiaries
method: POST