You can see the availability of your staff based on the events that they have been added to as Managers or Workers
Select My Apps in the top menu
Select Events
You arrive on the Manage Events page
Select the Timetable tab (previously called Staffing
You arrive on the
Timetable page
Use the Colleagues and Guests tick boxes to choose whether you want to see which staff your colleagues and/or your guests are booked into
Use the Filters to make sure you are looking at all the upcoming events affecting all of your staff
Click Apply once the filters have been set
The Apply button will update to say Applying while the filters are being applied
Once the filtering is complete, the Applying button will say Apply
Click Close to hide the Filters and view the page
Scroll down to see the availability of each staff member
Use the Choose Week dropdown list to change the week. (Note: weeks are based on the day starting 1st January)