The Integrations App lets you manage the integrations you have between Makerble and another database or software tool such as Salesforce or Mailchimp.
Get started with the Integrations App
Get to the Integrations App
Connect your Makerble Account to your account in the tool you want to integrate with
Set up your integration to import Contacts
Set up your integration to import Stories
Set up your integration to import Relationships
Set up your integration to import Contact Roles
Keep everything in sync
Import information from other software into Makerble
Send information from Makerble to other software
Turn on two-way sync to keep records updated on both sides
Connect your organisation or individual users to your favourite apps
There are two types of integration on Makerble:
Organisation-level integrations | User-level integrations |
| E.g.
Managed in the Integrations App | Managed in the User Settings page |
Get started with organisation-level integrations