This integration goes live at the end of July 2023. Details will appear here soonYou can add the Mailchimp Integration if you have a Mailchimp Account, using the option to add “Organisation-level Integrations”.
Having a Valid Mailchimp Account is a prerequisite.
Adding the Mailchimp Integration
Once in the Integrations App, Select Mailchimp from the dropdown menu.
Authorize the Mailchimp Account by following the instructions after going to the Manage option.
You’d see something like this.Next, to set up the integration successfully is a series of steps:
STEP 1: A project must be present to be linked to the Mailchimp integration. If it’s not present, you can Create a Project.
STEP 2: You can choose any- Classic Contact Forms or Custom Contact Forms in Charity Preferences in Control Panel. Refer- Two Types of Contact Forms.
STEP 3: Once created, that form needs to be attached to the Project in the Project Preferences.
STEP 4: Return to Integrations App after saving. Go to Settings for Mailchimp through the dropdown Arrow after choosing the Action of Contacts Mapping.
You’ll arrive at:
Here, you need to choose the that same Contact Form for Mapping the fields. The Mailchimp fields need to be mapped to the fields of Contact form.
STEP 5: Now, Navigate to Mailchimp Integration Page, which is seen after authorization, and Click on Contacts
STEP 6: Click on Edit. Toggle Sync as ON and choose the corresponding Project and Contact Form that you want the contacts to sync from.
STEP 7: After saving, you can Request Sync, to start the contacts mapping
This syncing would be complete in a few seconds.